1. Apsara Jewelry & Money Exchange Shop
Siem Reap: N° 005, Street Sivatha, Svay Dangkum Commune, Siem Reap District
Phone: 855-63-964356
Category: Money Exchange
2. ATS - Advance Ticketing Service
Siem Reap: N° 0030, On Sivatha street, Next to CCB bank
Phone: 855-63-963357
Category: Money Exchange
3. Cambodia Asia Bank
Phnom Penh: CAB Bank Mao Tse Toung Offi ce N° 131B, Mao Tse Toung (St. 245)
Phone: 855-23-222021
Category: Money Exchange
4. Cambodia Asia Bank
Phnom Penh: CAB Bank P.Penh Airport Offi ce Phnom Penh International Airport
Phone: 855-23-890220
Category: Money Exchange
5. Canadia Bank PLC.-Sorya Branch
Phnom Penh: Shopping Center Sorya
Phone: 855-23-220312
Category: Money Exchange
6. Chab Meas Jewelry Shop
Phnom Penh: N° 496Eo, Mao Tse Toung (St. 245)
Phone: 855-23-880560
Category: Money Exchange
7. Chao Keung Exchange Store
Phnom Penh: N° 345Eo, Charles de Gaulle (St. 217)
Phone: 855-12-995557
Category: Money Exchange
8. Chea Lay Money Exchange
Phnom Penh: N° 113E0, Street 134
Phone: 855-12-332993
Category: Money Exchange
9. Chea Sokeang Jewelry Shop
Phnom Penh: N° 88Eo, Street 298
Phone: 855-12-880406
Category: Money Exchange
10. Cheav Phuong Money Exchange Shop
Phnom Penh: N° 351, Charles de Gaulle (St. 217)
Phone: 855-23-883252
Category: Money Exchange
Money Exchange
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