The Visit to Brigade No. 9 in Preah Vihear Province

06 Jan 2011  2096 | Cambodia Travel News

Phnom Penh Capital Hall would like to announce to the public that the delegation of Capital led by H.E Governor KEP Chuk Tema and Lok Chum Teav accompanied by Excellency, Lok Chum Teav, Capital Council Members, Capital officers, Khan/Sangkat and Department officers will participate in the 32nd Anniversary of Victory Day, 7th January (07.01.1979 - 07. 01. 2011) on January 08, 2011 at Brigade No. 9 in Ou Chunh, Chhaim Ksan District, Preah Vihear Province.

During that occasion H.E Governor and Lok Chum Teav will bring along with some gifts such as 200m of (50x4) electric wire, 1 set of microphone, 100 sets of lamps, 1,000 liters of Diesel, and some foods such as 980kgs of salt radish, 2,500kgs of soybean, 411bunches of soy sauce and 263 bunches of fish sauce to provide to the soldiers at Brigade No. 9. Moreover, 1,400 households of the soldiers will be given 20,000 Riels, 1kg of Prohok, 1 Sarong and 1 Kroma for each family.

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