G20 nations forge ahead with visa facilitation

24 May 2012  2067 | Business & Trade Fairs

THE TOURISM Ministers of the G20 economies (T20) have issued a joint declaration calling for priority to be given to facilitating travel as a means to boosting economic growth and job creation.

“To ensure that tourism can play a key role in creating employment opportunities, both directly and indirectly through linkages to the local economy, raising national income, improving the balance of payments and boosting economic growth, priority should be given to facilitating travel and tourism,” the declaration states.

The declaration further urges the G20 nations to leverage new technologies to make travel “more accessible, convenient and more efficient without a diminution of national security”, and to ramp up cooperation on bilateral, regional and international travel facilitation.

The T20 were attending a summit in Mérida, Mexico on May 16 (TTG Asia e-Daily, March 9, 2012), where research presented by UNWTO and WTTC demonstrated that improvements to visa processes would generate five million jobs for G20 economies and US$206 billion in international tourism receipts by 2015.

“UNWTO applauds the commitment of (the T20) to visa facilitation,” said UNWTO secretary-general, Taleb Rifai. “This declaration is an extremely positive signal to the international community that we are moving ahead on this issue of vital importance to the tourism sector and global economy.”

Sourced:TTG Asia

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