27 Aug 2011
You can help protect the world’s natural and cultural resources.
The Global Sustainable Tourism Council, a branch of the United Nations, has posted a survey asking for feedback about proposed changes to its minimum standards, which businesses and governments use in tourism and development plans. Countries like Cambodia (above) and Egypt have already adopted the nearly 40 standards set in 2008 (new.gstcouncil.org/resource-center).
Additions being considered include measures to preserve local livelihoods and to encourage compliance with communal and indigenous land rights. Janice Lichtenwaldt, director of communications, said the council hoped the survey would confirm that the list had covered the basics. But it is also looking for holes.
Until Oct. 15, survey takers may answer questions given in English, Spanish, French or Mandarin.
“It can’t be a North American- or European-centric set of standards,” Ms. Lichtenwaldt said. “It has to be that minimum set for the globe.”
Source - nytimes