Tourism and the media

30 Aug 2011  2123 | World Travel News

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) would like to remind the media of the opportunity to participate in the first UNWTO International Conference on Tourism and the Media, which will take place in Zagreb, Croatia, on September 12-13.

UNWTO, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism of Croatia, has organized the conference in order to address the current need for tourism to be recognized, in mainstream and specialized media, as a driver of economic growth and employment, and a tool for development and poverty alleviation. The conference will provide a unique platform to discuss not only the case for tourism as a socio-economic instrument, but also the mechanisms available to ensure tourism reaches the headlines.

CNN International will act as media partner for the event and their own correspondent, Frederik Pleitgen, will initiate the discussion on why tourism deserves significant media coverage outside the traditional travel supplements, sharing with participants his unique insight as a well-respected and experienced reporter.

Other speakers will include Michael Schuman of TIME Magazine, Ian Taylor of TravelWeekly UK, and Sana Butler of Newsweek International. Lively and productive debate is expected from the professional panels on the expectations of media and tourism stakeholders, and on how to strengthen communication links between these two parties.

The event provides an outstanding networking opportunity, with confirmed participants from at least 15 countries worldwide with expertise in relevant fields ranging from national tourism authorities to social media specialists. The meeting also features the collaboration of the World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers (FIJET).

All information about the conference, including discounted accommodation options, is now available at and registration through the website is now open.

With the participation of the media, the event will create an important foundation on which to build a reliable and lasting relationship between the media and tourism. UNWTO looks forward to welcoming the media to "Tourism in the Headlines," the 1st UNWTO International Conference on Tourism and the Media.

Source - eturbonews

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