04 Oct 2012
JAKARTA: Indonesian and Laos governments signed a bilateral aviation agreement in Jakarta on Wednesday, which will allow for the establishment of direct airline services between Jakarta and Vientiane.
“The agreement will create many benefits for both countries, especially in the economic and tourism sectors. It will also bring the people of Indonesia and Laos closer, strengthening friendship between the two ASEAN countries,” Transportation Ministry’s air transportation director Djoko Murjatmodjo said after the signing of the agreement.
He hoped that the Jakarta–Vientiane route could be opened by the end of 2013.
In addition, he said that the ministry has recently signed a bilateral air agreement with other ASEAN countries such as Cambodia and Vietnam in order to make the Southeast Asia region smaller.
“ASEAN is currently enjoying economic growth and this is the perfect time to connect one city to another in this region,” he added. Besides ASEAN, Indonesia would increase flight slots to Korea and Australia next year.
Sourced: thejakartapost