UFTAA holds 46th Congress and AGA in Kuala Lumpur ands elects new President

11 May 2013  2147 | World Travel News

The Annual Congress and General Assembly was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia between 17 and 21 April 2013. The theme for this year’s Global Travel and Tourism Conference was: Remodeling the Travel and Tourism Industry – eNOW.

The conference was welcomed by YBHG Dato’ Mohd Khalid Harun, Congress Chairman and President of the Malaysian Association of Travel & Tours Agents- MATTA. Mario Bevacqua, UFTAA president addressed all delegates attending the 46th UFTAA Congress and AGA.

The Congress was inaugurated by Y.Bhg. Dato’ Dr. Hj. Azizan Noordin, Deputy Director General, Tourism Malaysia. The conference updated delegates present on the fast changes in the industry and the need to embrace the rapid  growth and increasing dependence generated by the e-Technology which has been changing the life style of the travel agent and the tour operator.

The subjects presented, discussed and dealt with were based on:

    The changes in the supply chain and the effect on the Travel & Tourism Industry
    The relevance of the Travel Agent in the new e-Economy
    The opportunities and threats in the new e-Market
    The sustaining of the travel industry and the environment
    Air matters

Alex Popovich, IATA Senior Vice President for Industry Distribution and Financial Services who also had a meeting with the UFTAA Board, was one of the panelists and made a presentation on the Landscape of Aviation Industry and the Travel Agent.

The Congress was followed by an Extraordinary General Assembly with the agenda item to amend the statutes as approved at an EGA/AGA held on the Victoria Cruise Liner in November 2011. The main changes referred to the Board’s new set up. For the first time in the history of UFTAA Affiliates will have three members, out of a board of nine members, representing them.

The EGA was followed by the Annual General Assembly which dealt with the statutory items which included the address of president Bevacqua, financial report and elections of the new board.

The Assembly elected a new President: Joe Borg-Olivier (FATTA-Malta). Mr Borg-Olivier has already served as President from 2005-2007 and it is the first time that a president has returned to serve for another two years.
The other three members elected by/from the member Associations are:
Dato M Khalid Harun -MATTA- Malaysia- Vice President
Mr. Rajji Rai -TAAI-India– Vice President Finance
Mr. Richard Lohento -ATOV-Benin) – Director

The three members representing the Affiliates are:
Mrs.  Thiane  AMAR BA  - Azur Voyages - Dakar Senegal - Director
Mario Bevacqua -Trimondo Viaggi – Italy – Director
Udaya Nanayakkara -Dut Holdings – Sri Lanka – Director

At the end of the AGA President Borg-Olivier addressed the assembly and thanked it for its support. He said that it was evident that members wanted more communication coming from UFTAA and he appreciated the fact that all delegates, during the congress and assembly  sessions, have amply demonstrated that the blood of UFTAA still runs warm in their veins. He promised that, as he did in his previous tenure of office, he will once more touch base with the roots of the Federation – the travel agent.

Now that UFTAA has new statutes, it will be in a better position to be closer to its affiliates  with direct representation on the Board.

He urged all members and those associations, who have left to come forward with ideas, be interactive with the new Board and to support UFTAA. Membership in UFTAA, he concluded, is the travel agents’ passport to enter into the world of togetherness for a better future of the livelihood in this important industry of Travel & Tourism. He augured that the phoenix will rise again from the ashes.


Sourced: TravelDailyNews

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