Enterprise Estonia will organise Tourism Days in Estonian pavilion in Shanghai

24 May 2010  2051 | World Travel News

The aim of the Tourism Days is to introduce Estonia as a travel destination for Chinese people.
A dozen travel agencies and hotels in Estonia have formed a non-profit organisation Expoturism for the specific purpose of promoting Estonia at the EXPO. The three-day even that will take place from May 26 to 28 will involve distribution of information on tourism to Estonia as well as a three-day workshop in the Estonian pavilion for Chinese travel agencies.

The overall objective of the tourism development activities at EXPO is to increase passengers? awareness in Estonia as a travel agency and also to increase the number of tourists from China and their overnight stays in Estonia by 50%. approximately 150 travel agencies and travel journalists are expected to attend the workshop.

In the beginning of autumn when EXPO will draw to a close, an introductory trip to Estonia is planned for a small group of Chinese travel agencies and travel media.



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