Kbal Chhay waterfall is located in Mondul Seima district, about 16 kilometers north of Koh Kong provincial town. Kbal Chhay or Koh Por is a natural site along a high mountain range and forest. To reach Koh Por, visitors travel along a stream amid beautiful scenery.Kbal Chhay gets its water from the Pursat stream. The waterfall is 10 meters high and 8 meters wide during the rainy season. In dry season there is less water, so locals and tourists visit the site and relax under the big rocks that resemble a cave.
Kbal Chhay or Koh Por? Both? Apparently it is still not clear what name to give this waterfall located in Koh Kong province, Cambodia. Possibly Kbal Chhay is not used as often, now that Koh Kong is asserting itself on the tourist map. Kbal Chhay is also the name of neighboring Kampong Som province's only waterfall and as such a major tourist destination there. Operators naming this Koh Por makes sense as it distinguishes it from the other Kbal Chhay.Accomadation is to be had in Koh Kong town as well as food. Nothing exists near the falls, so bringing something with you is advisable. It's a great place to while away.
The waterfall of Kbal Chhay has many sources from the mountain rank at the seaside. The history of Kbal Chhay waterfall was found in 1960. Until 1963 Kbal Chhay arranged as the clean-water sources for providing to Sihanouk Ville, but the arrangement was failed became a hidden place for Khmer Rouge.In 1997, Kbal Chhay was changed to the developing zone. In 1998 Kbal Chhay was for bid by Kok An Company on constructing road and changing this site as tourist resort for local and international tourists. Nowadays, the Royal Government of Cambodia has changed his site as the clean-water sources for providing clean water to Sihanouk Ville.
Ta Tai waterfall is a semi-natural site located in Ta Tai village, Ta Tai commune, Smach Meanchey district, about 20 kilometers east of Koh Kong provincial town along National Road 48. There are 84 families living in this area. They earn their living by fishing and hunting.The waterfall has two stages. The first stage is 5 to 6... read more
One of the best places to visit is the Lam Da Beach, Koh Kong as you can spend some time amidst sea, sand and serenity. The long stretch of the golden beach shining in the warm rays of the sum makes it a favorite tourist sports for young and old alike. The global travelers can find traces of almost every natural element if they come... read more
Nature and Wildlife Reserve near Nengkok Village, Bakclong Commune, Mundol Seyma District, 24km (2h:15mn) from the Provincial Town. read more
Kbal Chhay waterfall is located in Mondul Seima district, about 16 kilometers north of Koh Kong provincial town. Kbal Chhay or Koh Por is a natural site along a high mountain range and forest. To reach Koh Por, visitors travel along a stream amid beautiful scenery.Kbal Chhay gets its water from the Pursat stream. The waterfall is 10... read more
The Prek Chik O' srey Sranash, Koh Kong is one of the tourist attractions in Koh Kong which the global travelers love to visit owing to its idyllic location. You are definitely going to have one of the most memorable moments of your life if you take some time off from your busy schedule to visit the Prek Chik O' srey Sranash, Koh... read more
Koh Sdech is located in Kirisakor district, about 81 kilometers south of Koh Kong provincial town. It attracts visitors from Sihanoukville and Sre Ambil district.Koh Sdech features a long beach, and the sea is filled with a variety of fish. The site is excellent for snorkeling or scuba diving, as the water is clear, and an array of... read more
The Kbal Chhay Prek Koh Waterfall, Koh Kong is one of the favorite tourist attractions in Koh Kong. The travelers coming from various parts of the world like to go to visit the Kbal Chhay Prek Koh Waterfall, Koh Kong as it has some of the most spectacular scenic views of the adjoining areas. The tourist can enjoy some time of... read more
Recreational area: parks and beaches. Road 48, Dong Tung Commune, Smachmean chey District. 17km(25mn) From Provincial Town. read more
Khun Chhang Khun Phen stupa sits on a rock in the middle of the sea tributary, about 1 kilometer from the provincial town. The stupa is 4 meters high and made of concrete. Because the site is small-only 40 square meters, including the stupa-it can accommodate only 10 to 15 visitors at a time. The stupa is about 1 kilometer from the... read more
The Veal Achaut Waterfall, Koh Kong with its stunning locales is sure to make an ideal ambiance for the travelers. The tourists will have a wonderful time while enjoying the lush green landscape surrounding the Veal Achaut Waterfall in Koh Kong. Everyone wants to spend some time amidst nature as the bustling city life becomes boring... read more
Koh Moul, the biggest island in Cambodia, is 22 kilometers long and 7 kilometers wide. The island is located in Koh Kong district, about 24 kilometers south of Koh Kong provincial town. Koh Moul is 350 meters above sea level. The island has many hills and is rich in natural scenery.Koh Kong Krav has more than 10 waterfalls that... read more
Cham Yeam Resort is located in Mondul Seima district, about 10 kilometers northwest of Koh Kong provincial town, near the Cambodian-Thai international border. Cham Yeam is a semi-natural site developed 1997 by Neak Oknha Li Yong Phat. He name it Koh Kong International Resort. Today it attracts many tourists, especially Thais. Cham... read more
Chi Phat is located in Koh Kong province, which is in the Southwest of Cambodia. Chi Phat is mainland South East Asia’s largest remaining tract of rainforest situated directly in the heart of the Cardamom Mountains. With mountains, mangroves and low land swamps on the one hand and many cultural artifacts such as burial jars and... read more